Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Chapter Ten: Broken Bridges and Bones

I stopped by my house to see mom and she was excited to see me. She thought I had been executed and she told me that King Guardia's money was no good at our house anymore.

My next stop was the fairgrounds, so we could go back to 600 AD and meet Magus. At the fairgrounds I was smart enough to avoid getting run over by those damned racers again.

We got to the back of the fair and jumped into the gate. Amazingly, here we were at the end of time again. I guess it was worth it since a new pillar of light was open to us and we could still go to 600 AD.

I jumped in and we were back in the forest. We walked all the way out and finally came to the bridge that went to the south where Magus lived.

Just my luck. I need to use the bridge to get to Magus and hopefully remove my curse and that's the place Guardia and the Mystics decide to fight a war. Until the war was over I was stuck up here in Guardia.

The Knight Captain said something about needing rations, so obviously I was going to have to go get them. I tossed Marle over the side of the bridge and we turned to go. She managed to climb back up out of the river safely.

Lucca ran over to her and asked her if she was ok. Then Lucca looked at me and said, "why did you do that, Crono? That wasn't very nice, Crono, and I don't think-" Zap! Lucca was gone and Robo was here. That'll teach Lucca to think. Marle just walked up to me and giggled. I'm not sure if it was because she thought it was cute how I tossed her off of the bridge or if it was because there was a fish in her pants.

We made our way back to the castle and explained the situation to the cook. He gave us some jerky and told us to give it to the Knight Captain. This was enough rations for the whole army? Well, I guess I'm not a cook. When we got back to the bridge we gave the food to the Knight Captain, who jumped for joy and started talking about how the cook had saved the day. Then, he ate all the jerky.

Just then, the Mystics launched an offensive and the knights didn't seem to think they had a chance. The Knight Captain was too stuffed to fight, so I decided to just break through on my own.

Halfway across the bridge I ran into this floating green guy who called himself Ozzie. He seemed to be someone important, but his soldiers were no trouble at all for me and my magic. We chased Ozzie back, all the while killing his skeletons.

After triumphantly killing all of Ozzie's soldiers I turned to my right and I noticed something quite strange. There were two suns in the sky!!!! What the hell?!!!! Actually, there might be a third sun in the sky, but it's a little more blocked by the clouds than the other two. When did this planet get multiple suns?

I had been distracted by my fears of skin cancer just long enough for Ozzie to create a huge skeleton out of a bunch of his little skeletons.

"Don't mess with Crono, or you'll really be sorry," said Marle. Obviously, Marle was recalling some of her experiences with me. The fall from the bridge still being fresh in her mind.

"Go Zombor," said Ozzie. "Crush Sir Magus's enemies!" Zombor was little trouble. When I was done with him I just tossed him off of the bridge, too. Ozzie ran away and my heroic legacy continued in the Middle Ages.

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