Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chapter Fifteen: Cyrus, A Sword, A Medal, Blah, Blah, Blah, Grrribbit!

After a long walk we came back to Frog's little hole in the ground home. We walked in casually and he just looked at us with his sad frog face.

"'Tis thee again," he said. Robo handed him the Masamune. "This sword. 'Tis the Masamune?" he asked. He seemed confused about what to do, so he asked us to stay over for the night. "I get the top bunk," said Marle. I get the top bunk, too.

Frog told us a long story about his friend Cyrus and him. Cyrus was the greatest knight in all of Guardia and Frog used to be his squire, not to mention that he used to be a human named Glenn. Damn. That sure throws a wrench into my theory about Magus's army of frogs. From the way Frog talked I had the feeling that he and Cyrus had one of those "special" relationships between two guys.

It seems that Cyrus was killed by Magus and Glenn was then turned into Frog. Magus definitely had a sense of humor about him. Yep, I'm pretty sure Frog isn't leading an army of frogs under Magus. Frog was always acting sad and I think he tried to play it off like the reason the story made him sad was because his best friend got killed, but I know the truth.

Frogs don't have the same anatomical make-up as humans and when he got transformed, well, he lost something important to him. Something much more important than Cyrus. I drifted off to sleep.

"Awaketh, Crono," said Frog the next morning. "Though we may fail....let us go to Magus's lair."

Excellent! If he can turn you into a Frog he can surely help me out.

"Thou knowest his power," said Frog. Robo stepped forward and tried to make a cool stance as he said, "we must do it to save our future!"

"We won't be beaten by a bad guy," said Marle.

Frog jumped into my group and Marle disappeared. Well, we've got two girls, a robot and a frog. Technically, I'm the only guy in our group. Is this some sort of joke on me? It just gets better every second.

We came to a rock wall that was supposed to lead to Magus's hideout. "Handeth over the Masamune," said Frog. I don't like being ordered around. Especially by some girlie frogman, so I just jammed the sword into the ground and let him get it himself.

"Mine name is Glenn," said Frog. "Cyrus's hopes and dreams......and now the Masamune...forthwith I shall slay Magus and restore honor!"

He picked up the Masamune and sliced a huge hole in the side of the cave. Well, maybe he wasn't so girlie after all. Instead of going straight to Magus's place, I figured we could take Frog back to the end of time and get him fixed up with some magic.

He learned to use water magic, which was rather fitting. Marle had managed to calm Lucca down to the point that she didn't try to shoot me when we came by the end of time. At least now we have enough people so that there will always be two of my friends at the end of time. Not that I cared whether any of them were happy, but the idea of being stuck there with just the old man was too freaky for me to imagine.

We returned to the cave that Frog had created and walked inside. This goddamned bat kept buzzing around my head and no matter what I did it just kept following me. It was worse than Marle.

Once we got to the end of the cave we saw this dead guy lying on the ground with a note that he had written using his own blood. It said something about a juggler and strengthening its defense, but I didn't really care. We left the cave and we were standing in front of Magus's lair.

"This can only be...Magus's castle," said Frog.

Thanks for the update, Frog.

There were bats everywhere and the castle had a huge dragon-looking thing at the top of it. I waited for Frog and Robo to go first. I definitely needed to see Magus, but I was totally creeped out. I just hope I can get Magus's help before Frog kills him or before Magus kills us.

Inside Magus's castle it seemed completely deserted. We ran around all over the place looking for Magus, but all we could find were humans that were acting a little strange.

In one room we found Lucca, Queen Leene and my mom, so I knew something was up. We decided to head back to the front and I tripped over this sparkly thing that made a ringing sound.

An evil laugh echoed and I saw someone that I recognized.

"Ozzie," said Frog.

"Welcome, Glenn," said Ozzie. "Or should I say, Sir Froggy! Mwa, ha! Say, looks like you got some replacements for Cyrus!"

Ozzie also said that Magus was busy and that we would have to kick his ass instead, or something like that, along with Flea, Slash and all the monsters in the castle.

We managed to avoid most of the monsters, but when we returned to the end of the left passage we had to beat up some talking skeletons. When we were done, I heard a voice.

"Hmmmmm, how dare you get past my...cadaver pals."

I looked all around to see who was talking and then a guy who looked like he was getting chemotherapy for cancer treatment appeared.

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